[Objavljeno: 15. november 2023]
Obvestilo:Pisarna Generalnega konzulata Nepala v Sloveniji bo zaprta od 17. novembra do 21. decembra 2023. Glede nepalskega vizuma se obrnite na Veleposlaništvo Nepala na Dunaju, lahko ga prejmete ob prihodu s katere koli države na meji v Nepal. Mag. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, častni generalni konzul Nepala |
[Posted: 15th November 2023]
Notice:The Office of the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia will be closed from 17 th November to 21st December 2023. Regarding visa of Nepal please kindly turn to the Embassy of Nepal in Vienna or you may receive that also in arrival from any of the borders of Nepal. Mag. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal |
[Published: 10th June 2024]
71st Everest Day Celebration in Ljubljana, Slovenia
[Published: 15th May 2024]
Celebration of the Mt. Everest Day
[Published: 27th July 2020]
Nepal Reopening For Tourism: Everything You Need To Know
Nepal will be reopening its borders for international tourism on August 17th as the blanket ban ends and international flights resume.
[Published: 17th February 2020]
Tourism Minister leads briefing on coronavirus
KATHMANDU: A briefing on the novel coronavirus was held on Saturday in the presence of Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Yogesh Bhattarai.
Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Health Sagar Dahal gave a presentation on the latest updates of the symptoms, spread of the virus in China and other parts of the world, and measures taken by the Government of Nepal to contain the disease. Dahal informed, “There is no serious threat of the virus in Nepal as the only case detected positive of the virus has been cured and the person is now in good health.” He added that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been furnishing updates on the virus status on regular basis and this information has been linked to the Ministry of Health to ensure single window information mechanism.
[Published: 21th September 2017]
The solemn event Nepali Evening started with the Nepali Music in guitar by Mr. Ravi Shrestha accompanied in Nepali drum madal by Mr. Birman Shrestha. Thereafter Ms. Teja Zorko, Director of the Ljubljana City Library gave welcome speech to the guests. She expressed her great satisfaction of the Cooperation with Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal to organize the event “Nepali Evening” at their premises. She emphasized that the Library is most suitable place to bring the different cultures together from different countries like today’s event - Nepali Evening.
The Chief Guest Honourable Minister Mr. Anton Peršak was invited then by Ms. Zorko to address the guests. Hon’ble Minister congratulated the Ljubljana City Library and the Consulate General of Nepal for the organization of such solemn event Nepali Evening at the premises of the City Library. He mentioned that though Nepal is far away from Slovenia, but the Slovene alpinists have made it closer with their lectures and writing the articles about Nepal after returning from their expeditions to different peaks of the Himalaya in Nepal. He said further that he is honoured to inaugurate the exhibition of the photos and paintings at the request of Mr. Aswin K. Shrestha and wished the guests lot of fun in watching them.
Mr. Marko Lakovič, Head of the Cultural Programme of the Library invited Mr. Shrestha to address the guests. First of all he thanked Ms. Teja Zorko, Director of the Library in hosting the solemn event Nepali Evening at the beautiful premises of her library. He further expressed great satisfaction that the event was participated by such a huge number of participants (approx. 200) especially so many VIP guests such as: Hon’ble Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Anton Peršak, H.E. Ambassadors of the USA, Albania and Georgia, Honorary Consuls of Croatia, Chile, Peru, Former Honorary Consul General of Philippines Mr. Jože Kastelič and Honorary Consul of South Korea Mr. Ivan Rudolf, Advisor for the Economic and Social Policy of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Ms. Helena Kamnar, the Representatives of the Foreign Ministry of Slovenia, Hon’ble Mayors, Former Minister for Health and current President of the Red Cross of Slovenia Mr. Dušan Keber, Vice President of the Alpine Association of Slovenia-PZS Mr. Miro Eržen, Former President of PZS and alpinist Mr. Franc Ekar, number of other Alpinists and friends of Nepal from Slovenia. He mentioned that the main objectives of organizing the event is to celebrate “Nepali Evening” dedicated to the First Ascent of Mt. Everest as first couple in the world Mr. Andrej and Marija Štremfelj by Ms. Marija Štremfelj, talk on the ascent to the peak of Kanchenjunga Himalaya of Nepal and trekking around it by Mr. Andrej Štremfelj, the exhibition of the photos of Himalaya of Nepal by Mr. and Mrs. Štremfelj, Portraits of ethnic group Gurung by Mr. Marko Lakovič, Cultural Heritages and related to the Hindu Culture by Mr. Birman Shrestha and the drawings and paintings of the Cultural Heritages of Nepal by Ms. Petra Shrestha.
Mr. Shrestha stressed that Slovenia and Nepal has got in common that both countries are Mountain countries with the difference that Slovenia has got small mountains, while Nepal has high Mountains- Himalaya. Nepal has got in fact eight High mountains over 8.000 m high. Thus Slovene alpinists travel to Nepal to summit those mountains and for trekking, e.g. Today’s Speaker Mr. Andrej Štremfelj was the first to ascent the highest peak of the Mt. Everest in 1979 and later once again with his wife Mrs. Marija Štremfelj as first couple in the world in 1990. Mr. Shrestha agreed to the remark of H. E. Minister Anton Peršak that the Slovene Alpinists and Trekkers are those, who have made Nepal known to Slovenia and its people, by their talk about Nepal and its people, culture, nature etc…etc., publication the articles on their experience after their return from Nepal. Thus the Consulate General of Nepal organizes different events like today to celebrate the anniversary of the success of the Slovene Mountaineers to different peaks of Himalaya such as Mt. Everest, Makalu, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna etc. to admire their victories and in the mean time to express gratitude to them on their kind affords for promotion of Nepal. There had been organized an event at Slovene Ethnographic Museum to celebrate the Tourism Year 2011, in which there had been awarded the title of the “Ambassador of Tourism Year” to 8. Slovene Alpinists by the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal in my proposal in the capacity of Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia.
He further took the opportunity to thank once again the Government of Slovenia, many Humanitarian Organizations in Slovenia such as Red Cross, Caritas, UNESCO etc. other different institutions, enterprises and many individuals for their financial support or manual support to the people of Nepal, who had suffered great loss by the devastating earthquake in 2015. In the memory of the support and contribution of Slovenia to Nepal and Nepali people in earthquake Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal in Slovenia had been invited by Ms. Nuša Kerševan, President of the Association of Golden Ring, Ljubljana to plant a Tree of Friendship at the Park of Friendship close to the building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ljubljana in its first anniversary on 25th April 2016.
Last but not least he recommended all the guests to visit Nepal, which is announced by Lonely Planet the best No.1 destination to visit in 2017 with the emphasis that Nepal is all season destination.
The solemn event was concluded with the vote of thanks by Mr. Shrestha to the host of the event Ms. Teja Zorko, Director of the Library, especially Marko Lakovič, Head of Cultural Programme of the Library, who was the most instrumental in organizing the event and preparing the exhibition of the photos and paintings, Power point presentation on the ascent of Mt. Everest as first couple Mr. and Mrs. Andrej and Marija Štremfelj and their photos of Himalaya, Nepali Music players Mr. Ravi Shrestha in guitar and Birman Shrestha in drum-madal, Healing music player in singing bowls Mr. Birman Shrestha and his photos of cultural heritages of Nepal, Mr. Marko Lakovič for his photos of Gurung ethnic group of Nepal and Ms. Petra Shrestha for her drawings and paintings of cultural heritages of Nepal by awarding them flowers.
The guests were then invited by him for Slovene wine-Zlati Gric sponsored by hon’ble Mayor of the Municipality of Slovenske Konjice Mr. Miran Gorinšek, famous Slovene potica sponsored by Ms. Nevenka Jankovič and Pohorska pie sponsored by the Business School- Academia, Maribor.
[Published: 11th September 2017]
Nepali evening
[Published: 2nd November 2016]
LONELY PLANET: The Best No. 1 Destination to visit in 2017 is certainly NEPAL
[Published: 15th May 2016]
Posaditev drevesa prijateljstva v parku prijateljstva in podelitev plaket zahvale v SEM
Posaditev drevesa prijateljstva v parku prijateljstva pri Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo se je začela s kitarskim nastopom mladega nepalskega kitarista Santosa Neupaneja. Zaigral je tradicionalno nepalsko ljudsko pesem, ki ji je sledila slovenska belokranjska pesem v izvedbi Okteta moškega pevskega zbora KUD France Prešeren Vojnik in Joškova banda Vojnik. Naprej je Nuša Kerševan, predsednica Društva zeleni prstan in nekdanja županja mesta Ljubljane, pozdravila goste in omenila pomen posaditve drevesa prijateljstva kot znak zahvale za pomoč Slovenije Nepalu ob potresu, ki se je zgodil v Nepalu pred točno enim letom. Govorila je o sočutju ter humanosti Nepala in njegovega prebivalstva v času potresa, ki jim je prizadel veliko človeške ter materialne škode. Častnemu generalnemu konzulu Republike Nepal v Sloveniji Aswinu Shresthi je podarila knjigo o poti spomina in tovarištva ter spominsko listino ob posaditvi drevesa na poti spominov in tovarištva v nastajajočem parku prijateljstva.
Nato se je mag. Aswin Kumar Shrestha v svojem pozdravnem govoru zahvalil v imenu Vlade Republike Nepala in v svojem imenu Nuši Kerševan in Janiju Vogelniku, članu Društva zeleni prstan, ki je dal pobudo donatorstva za posaditev drevesa prijateljstva v zahvalo za pomoč Slovenije Nepalu ob prvi obletnici tega rušilnega potresa. Na tem slovesnem dogodku so bili prisotni številni udeleženci, delegacija Vlade Republike Slovenije, njena
ekscelenca Darja Bavdež Kuret, državna sekretarka Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve, njegova ekscelencaFranc Zupančič, državni sekretar, Služba Vlade RS za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko, Zoran Stančič, vodja predstavništva Evropske komisije, nekdanji minister za zdravstvo Dušan Keber, nekdanji minister za industrijo ter nekdanji župan mesta Ljubljane Tone Kovič, nekdanji rektor Univerze v Ljubljani prof. dr. Stane Pejovnik, številni alpinisti, številni donatorji, prijatelji Nepala, novinarji in drugi.
Z velikim zadovoljstvom je častni generalni konzul Nepala v svojem govoru omenil, da je bil s tako množično prisotnostjo izpolnjen cilj, da se jim je častni generalni konzul Nepala v imenu Vlade Republike Nepala in v svojem imenu zahvalil za kakršno koli pomoč vsem prizadetim ljudem v Nepalu. V tej veliki tragični naravni nesreči je umrlo približno 9.000 ljudi, več kot 22.000 je bilo ranjenih, 500.000 hiš je bilo popolnoma porušenih, 100.000 pa delno porušenih, med njimi je bilo tudi 4.500 šol. Nadalje je omenil, da slovenska pomoč prav gotovo potrjuje prijateljstvo ter dobre vezi dveh prijateljskih držav, predvsem pa slovensko prisrčno sočutje ter humanost do nepalskih prizadetih bratov in sester. Tako je z razlogom, da slovenska humana pomoč Nepalu ne bo šla v pozabo in bo dolgo ostala v dobrem spominu, prav gotovo imenitno dejanje Društva Zeleni prstan Ljubljane, da je pripravil posaditev rdečega javorja v tem parku prijateljstva.
Nato so Nuša Kerševan, Jani Vogelnik ter Aswin Kumar Shrestha posadili drevo. Priključili so se jim tudi ostali pomembni gostje ter posamezni donatorji. Po posaditvi drevesa je Shrestha omenil, da rdeča barva javorja v Nepalu predstavlja barvo veselja in radosti, tako da so organizatorji z izborom tega drevesa zadeli na polno, saj izraža naše veselje ter hvaležnost za pomoč, in naj njegovo rdeče pahljajoče listje obda z duhom veselja in miru vsakogar, ki
se bo ustavil pri njem ali sprehajal mimo. Ne nazadnje to drevo prispeva k zelenem okoljutrajnostnega razvoja in je tudi dodana vrednost zeleni prestolnici Evrope, Ljubljani.
Častni generalni konzul Nepala je v svojem govoru povedal tudi, da žal vse škode, ki jo je prizadel ta hud potres, še niso povsem sanirali, številni ljudje še vedno nimajo strehe nad glavo, dragoceni zgodovinski kulturni objekti še vedno niso restavrirani. Vse prisotne je pozval, naj obiščejo Nepal, ki je dovolj varen za obisk, s čemer bodo lahko prispevali svojo pomoč tako individualno prizadetim ljudem kot ekonomiji nepalske države. Na koncu programa je Aswin Shrestha podelil zahvalo Nuši Kerševan in Janiju Vogelniku ter povabil vse prisotne k nadaljevanju drugega dela programa na sprejemu v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju na Metelkovi 2, Ljubljana. Prvi del programa se je zaključil s slovensko glasbo v izvedbi Joškove bande iz Vojnika.
Nato so se selili v prostor Slovenskega etnografskega muzeja, ki je prijazno pogostil večino sprejemov, ki jih je organiziral Generalni konzulat Nepala v sodelovanju s Planinsko zvezo Slovenije ‒ PZS, Planinsko zvezo Nepala ‒ PZN ter Slovenskim etnografskim muzejem ‒ SEM. Nekateri od teh dogodkov so bili: teden Nepala, fotografska razstava flore in favne Nepala, srečanje slovenskega in nepalskega učenca v Mustangu, slovesnosti, namenjene obeležitvi slovenskih alpinističnih podvigov, koncert za prostovoljni prispevek za potres v Nepalu itd. V Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju se je slovesen program pričel s pesmijo »Triglav, moj dom«, ki jo je pel Oktet moški pevski zbor KUD France Prešeren, Vojnik.
Bojana Škafar Rogelj, nekdanja direktorica SEM, ki je povezovala program tega dneva, je v svojem in tudi v imenu sedanje direktorice dr. Tanje Roženbergar pozdravila vse prisotne in izrazila zadovoljstvo, da je lahko gostila različne dogodke. Častni generalni konzul Nepala v Sloveniji je v svojem pozdravnem govoru omenil, da največ sodeluje z neprofitnimi organizacijami Slovenije in s Planinsko zvezo Slovenije na področju alpinizma, pohodov oz. gorskega turizma. Generalni konzulat deluje kot vezni člen med Planinsko zveze Slovenije in Planinsko zvezo Nepala pri vzpostavitvi stikov in potrebni pomoči, posebej kadar grejo slovenski alpinisti na kakšno alpinistično odpravo na različne vrhove Himalaje v Nepalu. Poudaril je, da so slovenski alpinisti med vrhunskimi alpinisti v svetu in so osvojili večinoma vse vrhove Nepala.
Vsi ti člani slovenskih odprav in pohodniki pa so istočasno veliki promotorji Nepala, njegove kulture, načina življenja različnih etničnih skupin, posebej šerp, s katerimi se alpinisti največ družijo, ker jim nosijo tovor na njihovih odpravah. Zato je konzulat organiziral razne dogodke za praznovanje njihovih uspehov kot znak hvaležnosti, Ministrstvo za turizem in civilno letalstvo Vlade Republike Nepala pa je nekatere najzaslužnejše proglasilo za ambasadorje turizma Nepala in jim podelilo certifikat prav v tem muzeju. Nadalje je Shrestha izrazil hvaležnost, da je Vlada Republike Slovenije financirala gradnjo šole za gorske vodnike na pobudo Aleša Kunaverja, načelnika takratne Komisije za odprave v tuja gorstva PZS, za varno plezanje, reševanje iz gorskih nesreč ipd. Omeniti velja, da so številni inštruktorji Planinske zveze Slovenije skupaj z inštruktorji Planinske zveze Nepala do zdaj usposobili več kot 1000 gorskih vodnikov v tej šoli v Managu. Udeleženci, ki uspešno končajo ta tečaj za gorske vodnike, dobijo diplomo, ki jim služi kot poklic za vodenje odprav v Himalajo ali za vodenje gorskega turizma, gorsko reševanje ipd.
Sledil je glavni del programa, ko je častni generalni konzul Nepala skupaj s svojo soprogo podelil plakate zahvale najprej vsem sodelujočim inštitutom, nato pa vsem glasbenikom, ki so prostovoljno sodelovali v kulturnem delu prireditev Generalnega konzulata Nepala, vključno v programu tega dneva. Podelitev plaket so popestrili glasbeni vložki različnih glasbenikov: Ansambel Kitarakon, Oktet moški pevski zbor KUD France Prešeren in Joškova banda iz Vojnika ter Nepalec Birman Shrestha na zvočnih skledah in gongu.
Po končanem uradnem delu programa je Generalni konzulat Nepala vse udeležence pogostil z nepalsko tradicionalno hrano, ki jih je pripravila Nepalska restavracija Himalaya v Ljubljani. Dan se je končal ob prijetnem združenju in povezovanju medsebojnih stikov.
Foto: Alenka Seher
[Published: 24th March 2016]
[Published: 4th March 2016]
Nepal Tourism Board
Press Release
March 2, 2016
Free Nepal Telecom SIM Cards for Tourists at TIA
Minister of Information and Communication Mr. Sherdhan Rai, on March 2, 2016, launched the free SIM card service to tourists by Nepal Telecom at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) amidst a function. He launched it by providing free SIM card to a foreign couple. Nepal Telecom has started providing free SIM card to tourists from today coming through TIA with Rs.50/- top up. It is believed that it would help promote Nepal as a safe destination which starts with good communication right from the airport. All SIM cards have been pre-activated by Nepal Telecom. Nepal Tourism Board is the partner organization in its distribution channel. Along with the SIM card, tourists are also provided “I am in Nepal Now” selfie card with important contacts in Nepal.
[Published: 17th December 2015]
Press Release
There had been organized a Solemn ceremony of 40th anniversary of Makalu by the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia in cooperation with the Alpine Association of Slovenia (PZS), Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) and the Slovenian Alpine Museum (SAM), Mojstrana at the premises of that Museum on 26th November 2015.
There had been gathered more than 100 participants: High delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, friends of Nepal in Slovenia in that function. The celebration started with the National Anthem of Nepal and National Anthem-Zdravljica of Slovenia sang by Vocal Musical Octet, Spirit from Vojnik, while the whole Programme was moderated by Ms. Marjeta Keršič Svetel, Lecturer for Heritage Interpretation, and a good friend of Nepal.
Dr. Irena Lačen Benedičič, Director of the Slovenian Alpine Museum welcomed the guests and expressed her great satisfaction to host the event at her Museum in which there had been gathered so many dignitaries. Dr. Benedičič was pleased to have opportunity to welcome so many Slovene alpinists to celebrate their great victory of summit to the peak of Makalu in 1975 at her Museum organized by the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia together with NMA, Kathmandu and PZS.
Mr. Shrestha then addressed in the name of Mr. Prakash Mani Poudel, Charge de Affairs of the Embassy of Nepal in Berlin, who regretted his participation and in his own name as a Honorary Consul General of Nepal in Slovenia and expressed his great satisfaction that he could share with so many dignitaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Government of Slovenia, Slovene alpinists and the friends of Nepal at the premises of esteemed Slovenian Alpine Museum, Mojstrana. However, there had been read the message of Mr. Poudel about his apology, his sincere congratulations to the alpinists for their success in summiting to Makalu and appreciation to Mr. Shrestha for organizing the solemn event in cooperation with PZS, NMA and the Slovenian Alpine Museum. Mr. Shrestha expressed his sincere thanks and gratefulness to Madam Dr. Irena Lačen Benedičič, Director of the Museum and her team, especially Ms. Neli Štular, Curator for hosting that solemn event. Further he also stressed excellent cooperation between the Alpine Association of Slovenia (PZS) and the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia, among which the awarding of the recognition of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal to all Slovene Mountaineers, who summated the Highest Peak of the World, Mt. Everest from the Nepal’s side two years ago in the “Year of Tourism 2011” at the premises of Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana.
The Alpine Association of Yugoslavia and the Alpine Association of Slovenia had organized an expedition to the Peak of Makalu Himalaya (8.463m) in Nepal under the leadership of Mr. Aleš Kunaver in 1975. It was in fact a story of success of that Yugoslav expedition to summit the peak of Makalu through south face of that Himalaya in which 7 Slovene Mountaineers out of 21 achieved victory by reaching the peak of that magnificent Himalaya, Makalu. Thus he expressed his sincere congratulations to whole team of that expedition once again, especially to the successful summiteers.
Further Mr. Shrestha pointed out the second objective of organizing the solemn event was to pay respect and express gratitude to the visionary work of Mr. Aleš Kunaver, Former Leader for Foreign Mountains of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, who initiated to build a School for Mountain guides in Manang, Nepal with the financial support of the Government of Yugoslavia, Slovenia and Alpine Association of Slovenia in 1979. The main purpose of building that school was to provide knowledge of safe climbing the mountains and a better profession to the Nepali porters instead of carrying the load of foreign expeditions throughout their life.
Then followed that Mr. Ravi Shrestha entertained the guests with a Nepali music by by playing guitar accompanied by Mr. Vasja Štrukelj in tabla.
Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of Alpine Association of Slovenia addressed the guests in the name of his Association. He pointed out that the expedition of Yugoslavia to Makalu in 1975 was in fact organized by the Alpine Association of Slovenia under the leadership of Aleš Kunaver, Head for Foreign Mountains of PZS. The Slovene alpinists achieved fantastic success for which whole Yugoslavia, especially Slovenia was very proud of that. He also pointed out the long term good cooperation of PZS with the Nepal Mountaineering Association, especially jointly organizing the training courses for Mountain Guides in Manang, Nepal every year since 1979. He stressed further good cooperation with the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia and thanked Mr. Aswin Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, who initiated the organization of today’s solemn celebration of 40th anniversary of Makalu.
Mr. Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of NMA took the floor and expressed his privilege to speak in front of so many Nepal’s close friends and honoured to be in the country of legendary climbers; notably Aleš Kunaver who first opened the eyes of the Nepalese Mountaineers by establishing the first mountaineering training School in Manang, Nepal. He further stressed that the First Slovenian successful Ascent of Mt. Makalu in 1975 also placed a huge impact to Slovenians in starting the development of professional Nepali Mountaineers and promoting Nepal as a paradise for adventure tourism. He also mentioned about the experience of two catastrophic earthquakes in the months April and May, which devastated so many houses, cultural heritages and most painful deaths of more than 8.000 people in Nepal. NMA, together with Climate Alliance of Himalayan Communities (CAHC), the UN-World Food Programme had transported more than 7000 metric tons of food and relief goods to various mountain villages. He believes that this very important and historic celebration of 40th Anniversary of Makalu can play tremendously powerful role in speedy recovery of tourism industry and its sub-sectors. He mentioned to the audience that the best way to help Nepal is by your visit to us, I mean that every dollar that you will spend will help to revive our economy and rebuild our infrastructures even better that before.
He concluded his speech by saying on behalf of NMA, CAH and myself, I would like to sincerely thank to Honorary Consul General Mr. Aswin Shrestha, Slovenian Alpine Club and all Slovenian friends for inviting me in this historic event of 40th Anniversary of First Slovenian successful ascent on Mt. Makalu.
Mr. Bojan Pollak, Head for Training courses for mountain guides of PZS took the floor and stressed that the school in Manang was the first such school built in the world at that time. According to him there have been trained more than 1.000 mountain guides by the instructors of PZS, jointly with the instructors of Nepal Mountaineering Association, Kathmandu. The objective of the training course is to provide the knowledge of safe climbing to the Himalaya, for rescuing in the mountains, skills of First Add etc. The participants of that training get a certificate for profession after successful completion of the training course to work as a trekking, guide, Rescuers etc. Mr. Pollak mentioned that the building of the school is in bad condition, so it needs to reconstruct for safeguard of the participants of the training course. He concluded his address with the statement that Alpine Association of Slovenia hand overed the organization of training course for Mountain guides to the Nepal Mountaineering Association since last year; firstly because the Instructors of NMA is enough qualified to run the training course on their own, secondly NMA received the license to organize such training course.
Then followed a beautiful favorite Nepali song of Slovene Mountaineers sang by Dr. Lasanthi Manaranjanie with the background of Nepali lyrics played by her Ansamble. She entertained the audience then with another beautiful folk song from Sri Lanka.
Mr. Victor Grošelj, alpinists took the floor afterwards to introduce the expedition with power point presentation as one of the summiteers of the Yugoslav expedition in 1975. Mr. Grošelj also pointed out that there was organized a small expedition to Makalu with his colleagues summiteers of Makalu from 1975 in the memory of that successful summit under his leadership. He further mentioned that they went to Manaslu to pay respect to their colleague Mr. Jernej Zaplotnik who had summated to Makalu with them and later he died because of glacier avalanche at that Himalaya in 1983. He briefed about devastating earthquake experienced by himself in Nepal in April 2015 and its consequences. He said that he was very happy to distribute the financial donation in hand to the people who were very badly affected by that earthquake, entrusted to him by different institutions and individual friends of Nepal in Slovenia. He mentioned further that there will be built a school in a village, Nuwakot with the money collected by the PLANET Television, Ljubljana with their programme called “Help for Nepal.”
After completion of the excellent presentation of Mr. Victor Groselj there followed the beautiful Slovene folk songs sang by renowned ansamble KITARAKON from Vojnik.
Then followed the most solemn part of the event that there have been awarded the letter of appreciation to all the members of the expedition to Makalu led by Mr. Aleš Kunaver by Mr. Ang Tshering Sherpa, President of the Nepal Mountaineering Association and Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal in Slovenia. There was awarded a special plaque to Aleš Kunaver for his noble visionary work to build the School for Mountain Guides in Manang, Nepal in the proposal of Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal in Slovenia. Mrs. Dušiča Kunaver, wife of Mr. Kunaver received the plaque in his name. There was also awarded a plaque to Mr. Peter Markič for the continuation of running that school after the tragic death of Aleš Kunaver. The objective of awarding such recognition proposed by the Consul General of Nepal was not only to praise the victory of the Mountaineers of Slovenia to the Peak of Makalu, 8.463 m, but also for their contribution to the development of Mountain Tourism in Nepal. It is worth to mention that the successful summiteers by their names, they are: Stane Belak, Marjan Manfreda, Janko Ažman, Jernej Zaplotnik, Viktor Grošelj, Ivan Kotnik and Janez Dolžan.
After completion of solemn awarding the letter of appreciations and the plaques the Vocal Octet Spirit entertained the audience with a beautiful Slovenian Alpine Choir Song.
Then followed the point of Vote of Thanks in which Mr. Aswin Shrestha thanked to all co -organizers of the event, Ms. Marjeta Kersič Svetel for her professional moderation the programme, Performers of the Cultural Programme and of course the different good hearted sponsors, among which Ms. Hilda Goršek, of Grajski klet Goršek, Frankolovo who was very kind to sponsor the food prepared by her own.
Last but not least, Ms. Svetel invited the guests for refreshment and also the renowned
ansamble “ Jožkova Banda” from Vojnik to entertain the guests with Slovene National Folk Music at the exhibition hall, where the photos of the Yugoslav expedition to Makalu and the Mountain school were exhibited.
Ljubljana, 14. December 2015
Mag. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, MSc.MBA
Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia
Foto album Silvo Kokalj
[Objavljeno: 20. november 2015]
[Objavljeno: 16. oktober 2015]
Občina Slovenske Konjice in Center za kulturne prireditve sta v dvorani Doma kulture Slovenske Konjice ob aprilskem potresu v Nepalu organizirala Dobrodelni koncert Birmana Shresthe.
[Objavljeno: 15. junij 2015]
Vljudno vabjeni na dobrodelni koncert, ki ga organizira generalni konzulat Nepala v sodelovanju s Slovenskim etnografskim muzejem (SEM) v petek 19. junija 2015 ob 19 uri (prostori SEM na Metelkovi ulici 2).
[Published: 18th May 2015]
Latest news about earthquake in Nepal >>>
[Objavljeno: 18. maj 2015]
Zadnje novice o potresu v Nepalu >>>
[Published: 28th April 2015]
Nepal Embassy in Germany opened a disaster relief account at Deutsche Bank, Berlin. Money can be send also via Slovenian Red Cross.
[Objavljeno: 28. april 2015]
Ob katastrofalnem potresu v Nepalu objavljamo bančni račun na katerega lahko pošljete sredstva prizadetim prebivalcem Nepala. Denar lahko nakažete tudi na račun Rdečega križa Slovenije.
Račun veleposlaništva Nepala v Berlinu
[Published: 17th December 2013]
Press Release
There had been celebrated 60. anniversary, respectively Diamond Jubilee of the Firs Ascent of Mt. Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and as well as the First Ascent of Yugoslav Expedition in 1979 at the premises of Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia on 6th December 2013. The solemn event was organized by Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Consul General of Nepal in Slovenia in cooperation with Slovene Ethnographic Museum (SEM), Alpina Association of Slovenia (PZS), Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), Kathmandu, Nepal and the Museum of Gorenjska, Kranj.
There had been gathered more than 150 participants: High delegation of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Government of Slovenia, High delegation of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal, Embassy of Nepal in Berlin, Nepal Mountaineering Association, Kathmandu, Foreign Ambassadors located in Slovenia, Honorary Consul Generals and Consuls, Mayors of different towns of Slovenia, friends of Nepal in Slovenia in that great function. The celebration started with live playing the National Anthem of Nepal in flute and singing of National Anthem – zdravljica of Slovenia. The celebration in fact gave an ample opportunity to promote Nepal as one of the best adventure destinations in the world..
The objective of the celebration was to pay respect to great Mountaineers Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Mr. Tenzing Norgay Sherpa from Nepal and Slovene Mountaineers of Yugoslav Expedition, who reached the summit of 8.848 m high Mt. Everest from Nepal’s side. In fact with the First Ascent of those two Mountaineers started the new era in the history of Nepal's tourism, especially in mountaineering which yield then the Yugoslav Expedition and many other expeditions from different countries of the world before that and afterwards, including Nepalese expeditions. Besides the tourism in mountaineering, there have been developed many kinds of other tourisms, such as Culture tourism, trekking tourism etc. Thus tourism has become important source of income for Nepal, which rates substantial percentage of GDP of the country.
Mr. Shrestha expressed his sincere thanks to Dr. Bojana Škafar Rogelj, Director of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and further emphasized without whose kind cooperation and warm hospitality in its magnificent building, it would be impossible to think even, of organizing such event. The constant cooperation between Slovene Ethnographic Museum and the Consulate General of Nepal since many years has developed to a good Slovene – Nepal friendship and cultural ties between two Nations.
Mr. Shrestha pointed out excellent cooperation between the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia with Alpine Association of Slovenia and Nepal Mountaineering Association in different fields, especially in the field of Mountaineering, which evidently proved the organization of 60th anniversary of the First Ascent of Mt. Everest on 6th December 2013. Further, the excellent photographic exhibition prepared by the Museum of Gorenjska called “Mighty Faces-Top achievements by Slovenian Alpinists in the Himalayas” shows another evident of good cooperation between two Mountainous countries Slovenia and Nepal. Thanks to Madam Director of that museum Ms. Marija Ogrin and her team for that.
He pointed out also on the valuable financial support of Former Yugoslavia and one of it’s then Republic of Slovenia to build the School for Mountain Guides in Manang in the initiative of Mr. Aleš Kunaver, Head for Foreign Mountains of the Alpine Association of Slovenia. The Participants of the training course of the school after its’ successful completion, jointly conducted by the instructors of Alpine Association of Slovenia, Ljubljana and Nepal Mountaineering Association, Kathmandu achieve the knowledge for safe climbing to Himalaya, proper use of First-aid and skill of rescuing and top of that the participants get the certificate for occupation, which enables him/her to get rid of carrying the luggage of Expeditions throughout their life.
Mr. Shrestha expressed his gratitude to all sponsor and donating Organizations for their kind contribution to make the event successful.
All the Guests, Receivers of Medals and Letter of Appreciations, cooperating Institutions were addressed by Chief Guest, Hon’ble Dr. Jernej Pikalo, Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Government of Slovenia, Mr. Madhu Sudan Burlakoti, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal, Mr. Prakash Mani Poudel, Charge “d” Affairs of the Embassy of Nepal, Berlin, Dr. Bojana Rogelj Šakfar, Director of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of Alpine Association of Slovenia, Mr. Ang Tshering Sherpa, Immediate Past President of Nepal Mountaineering Association, Honorary Member of UIAA and Ms. Marija Ogrin, Director of the Gorenjska Museum.
Mr. Andrej Štremfelj, Alpinists, who as first Mountaineer of Yugoslav Expedition in 1979 reached the summit of Mt. Everest – Sagarmatha under the leadership of Mr. Tone Škarja made power point presentation on their expedition.
Mr. Madhu Sudan Burlakoti, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal awarded the Medals to eight Alpinists of Slovenia, who reached summit of Mt. Everest from Nepal’s side. Mr. Andrej Šteremfelj, Mr. Viktor Grošelj, Ms. Marija Štremfelj, Mr. Davo Karnicar and Mr. Tomaž jakofčil, were awarded the medal for Diamond Jubilee, while Mr. Matej Flis, Mr. Tadej Golob and Gregor Lačen received the Normal medals.
Ms. Marija Štremfelj who reached summit of Mt. Everest together with her husband Mr. Andrej Štremefej as first couple in the World thanked the Government of Nepal and the Nepal Mountaineering Association for the award of medals in the name of all its’ recipients.
Mr. Ang Tshering Sherpa, Immediate Past President of NMA, Honorary Member of UIAA together with Mr. Deebas Bikram Shah, Secretary General of NMA and Mr. Jinesh Kaji Sindhurakar, Chief Administrative Officer of NMA awarded the letter of Appreciation to Mr. Aswin K. Shrestha, Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of PZS, Dr. Bojana Rogelj-Šakfar, Director of SEM and Ms. Marija Ogrin, Director of the Museum of Gorenjska for organization of the Solemn celebration of Diamond Jubilee of the First Ascent of Mt. Everest.
Dr. Lasanthi Manaranjanie and her orchestra entertained the participants of the event with their fantastic performance of a Nepali song called Resam firiri and a song in Singhali language dedicated to Lord Gautam Buddha, as Nepal being his Birth Place.
Last but not least Ms. Branka Božič, Interpreter of English and Slovene language, singer and writer of songs, who moderated the whole programme with great charm also entertained the participants with her beautiful song called “Step by Step” and concluded the programme by inviting for refreshment with Nepalese and Slovene cousin and Slovene wines.
Ljubljana, 16th December 2013
Mag. Aswin K. Shrestha, MSc. MBA
Honorary Consul General of Nepal
Foto album Alenke Seher:
Foto album Nejc Balantič:
[Published: 17th December 2012]
Press Release
There had been organized a solemn event by the Consulate of Nepal in Slovenia in cooperation with the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and Kranjska Gimnazija for inauguration of the Consulate General of Nepal and the presentation “Could life be also different – Golden Nepal” by the students of Gimnazija Kranj at the premises of the Museum on 5th December 2012. The event was in fact organized to celebrate the up gradation of Honorary Consul of Nepal, Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha to Honorary Consul General of Nepal by Honourable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mr. Narayan Kaji Shrestha in kind recommendation of H. E. Ambassador Mr. Suresh Prashad Pradhan of the Embassy of Nepal, Berlin. There had been gathered more than 100 participants: High delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Foreign Ambassadors located in Slovenia, Honorary Consuls and Consul Generals of different countries and friends of Nepal in Slovenia in that function. The celebration started with live playing the National Anthem of Nepal in flute by Ms. Anita Prelovšek and singing of National Anthem-Zdravljica of Slovenia by Ms. Tanja Kern with the background music in guitar by Mr. Matevž Kovačič, while the whole programme was moderated by renowned Leader of Entertainment Programme of the National Television of Slovenia., Ms. Mojca Mavec.
Dr. Bojana Rogelj Škafar, Director of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum welcomed the guests and congratulated Mr. Shrestha for his up gradation to Honorary Consul General of Nepal and expressed her great satisfaction to host the event at her Museum in which there had been gathered so many dignitaries. Dr. Rogelj was pleased to find the continuation of mutual cooperation with the Consulate General of Nepal in organizing such cultural programme since so many years, which is the evident of good relations between two institutions.
Mr. Shrestha then addressed the guests and expressed his great satisfaction that he could share his joy of his up gradation to Honorary Consul General of Nepal with so many dignitaries and friends of Nepal at the premises of esteemed Slovene Ethnographic Museum. He expressed his gratefulness to Madam Dr. Bojana Rogelj Škafar, Director of the Museum and thanked her for hosting that solemn event. He further pointed out the great cooperation between the Consulate General of Nepal and the Slovene Ethnographic Museum since numbers of years in organizing jointly in cooperation with the Alpine Association of Slovenia and NRN many events such as: the first ascent to Makalu, first ascent to the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest by the Slovene Mountaineers, different cultural programme: Nepalese – the Lords of the Mountains, photo exhibitions, film presentation on “a road to school Ruše – Mustang, celebration of Nepal Tourism year 2011, awarding the recognition to Slovene Mountaineers, who summated Mt. Everest from Nepal’s side etc.
Mr. Shrestha also stressed excellent cooperation between the Alpine Association of Slovenia (PZS) and the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia, among which it is worth to mention the awarding of the recognition of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal to all Slovene Mountaineers, who summated the Highest Peak of the World, Mt. Everest from the Nepal’s side last year at the year of tourism 2011 at this very premises. He remembered Mr. Aleš Kunaver, Former Leader for Foreign Mountains of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, who initiated the Government of Slovenia to support financially to build the School for Mountain guides in Manang, Nepal. So he expressed his gratitude to the Government of Slovenia for their financial support to build that school. According to the data of Mr. Bojan Pollak, Head for organizing the training for mountain guides of PZS that there have been trained more than 1000 mountain guides in cooperation with Nepal Mountaineering Association, Kathmandu. Regarding to that it is worth to mention that the successful participants of that training receives a certificate which qualifies them to work as a tourist guide, to guide the trekking and more over the participants achieve the skill of climbing the Himalaya safely and also trained to rescue the accidents in Himalaya. Thus Mr. Shrestha stressed the results of such cooperation with PZS with great pleasure and thanked to it’s former President Mr. Franc Ekar and his successor Mr. Bojan Rotovnik and other staffs of that Association to which in one or other way cooperated and continue their cooperation further with the Consulate General of Nepal for the development of Nepal in the fields of Mountaineering, trekking etc.
Mr. Shrestha pointed out that Ms. Marija Štremfelj (as first couple with her husband Mr. Andrej Štremflj in the world summated the Mt. Everest) has led her students of Kranjska Gimnazija to visit to counter British School in Patan to implement MEPI programme in the initiative of Ms. Neda Kajfež, Coordinator of MEPI Association. She led them further a trek to Suriya Peak 20145 m high in the frame of that programme. We may count that as a new chapter of cooperation between Nepal and Slovenia in the field of education.
Last but not least Mr. Shrestha informed the guests that the Government of Nepal has announced “Lumbini visit year 2012” and encouraged them to visit that, the birth place of Lord Gautama Buddha.
Mr. Matej Planko, Secretary General of the Alpine Association of Slovenia(PZS) congratulated Mr. Shrestha for his up gradation and pointed out the successful cooperation between Consulate General of Nepal and PZS from the very beginning when the Consulate of Nepal was established in Slovenia. He pointed out on great success of different expeditions of the Slovene Mountaineers to different peaks of Himalayas in Nepal and their organization of the training for mountain guides together with the experts of Nepal Mountaineering Association, Kathmandu in Manang. Mr. Planko also mentioned good cooperation with International Mountain Museum, Pokhara, where have been exhibited permanently the success of Slovene Mountaineers to different peaks of Himalayas in Nepal.
Mr. Tomaž Kunstelj, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Nepal, Chief Guest addressed the guests and pointed out good cooperation between two friendly countries Slovenia and Nepal. He admired the successful achievements of the Slovene Mountaineers in summiting different peaks of Himalaya in Nepal. He stressed on the financial support of the Government of Slovenia to build the school for mountain guides in Manang and thanked all instructors of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, who travel Nepal every year to train the Nepalese for safe climbing to Himalayas.
After completion of his address to the guests, he inaugurated the office of the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia together with Honorary Consul General of Nepal, Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha.
After official inauguration of the Consulate General of Nepal Ms. Anita Prelovšek played the music of two songs related on mountains, which is common for both countries as being both of them mountain countries. After that Ms. Tanja Kern sang a beautiful song with the title “King of the Heaven" with background of music of guitar played by Mr. Matevž Kovačič.
Ms. Neda Kajfež, National Coordinator of the MEPI programme (International Award for Young People) in Slovenia introduced the objectives of that programme to the attendees of the event. According to her it is one of the sixth biggest programmes for young people, which encourages the young people for spending their free time actively and creatively. It is designed for youths from 14 to 25 years old. The programme was designed originally in Great Britain (The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award). This programme, which has been implemented in more than 130 countries of the world, already 8 million young people cooperate in it.
Ms. Marija Štremfelj, Head of the project explained that she chose Nepal for conducting this programme by her students, since she knows Nepal very well and also the suitable possibilities for implementing the programme in this country. She asked her students then to introduce their cultural programme, which had been prepared by them for that event.
Firstly there had been projected a film on Golden expedition to Nepal for 8 minutes, produced by one of the students of the MEPI programme, Mr. Rožle Bregar. All the participants enjoyed the film and admired Mr. Bregar that it is produced so professionally.
Secondly, three students of Kranjska Gimnazija presented Nepal and their impression from there in very interesting way with the help of puppets: one pupate called Yeti, the second Kekec and the third, Harry Potter.
Afterwards there followed a nice concert of Nepali folk music in violin by Dr. Lasanthi Manaranjanie and in tabla by Mr. Vasja Štukelj. Lastly Dr. Manaranjanie sang a song dedicated to Lord Gautama Buddha in Singhali language. The purpose of performance of a song dedication to Buddha was also to draw the attention of the participants of the event on “Visit Lumbini Year 2012” announced by Government of Nepal.
Last but not least Mr. Shrestha expressed his gratitude to Dr. Bojana Rogelj Škafar, Director of the Museum that she had kindly hosted that solemn event as so many such events in the past and awarded her a Certificate of Recognition in the name of the Consulate General of Nepal in Slovenia.
Later he thanked to all Speakers especially to Mr. Tomaž Kustelj, Chief Guest of the event for their good wishes and congratulations to him for his up gradation to Honorary Consul General of Nepal. He then thanked also to all the Performers of the cultural programme, sponsors and donators of foods and drinks for that event.
Mr. Shrestha stressed the results of such cooperation with PZS with great pleasure and thanked to it's former President Mr.Franc Ekar , current President Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, Mr. Matej Planko, Secretary General of PZS, who addressed the guests in the name of PZS and it's other staffs, especially Mr. Tone Škarja, Head for Foreign Mountains for their constant cooperation with the Consulate General of Nepal for the development of Nepal in the fields of Mountaineering, trekking etc.
After the end of official part of the event Ms. Mojca Mavec, Moderator thanked all the guests for their kind participation to the solemn event of that evening and invited for refreshment with Nepali cousin and glass of Slovene wines and beers.
Ljubljana, 5th December 2012
Mag. Aswin K. Shrestha, MSc. MBA
Honorary Consul General of Nepal
Foto: Alenka Seher
[Published: 20th January 2012]
Press Release
There had been organized a Solemn Event by the Consulate of Nepal in Slovenia in cooperation with the Alpine Association of Slovenia, Nepal Mountaineering Association and the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana for awarding recognition of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to the Mountaineers from Slovenia, who have conquered the Peak of the Mt. Everest at the premises of Slovene Ethnographic Museum on 16th December 2011.
Slovenia and Nepal are two friendly mountain countries, if Slovenia have got small mountains, Nepal have got the highest mountains in the world. The mountains in Nepal do not mean just scene for sport reach and unforgettable experience but, they are also home for Gods and people, surviving means, hard work and bread for lot of families living in the valley of those mountains. Thus the Government of Nepal and Nepal Mountaineering Association wish to return kindness and achievements by awarding high recognition to the Slovene Mountaineers not only for their victory to the Peak of the Highest Mountain in the world Mt. Everest 8.848m from the direction of Nepal, but also for their contribution to the development of Mountain Tourism in Nepal, and further to their concern for safe work of the Nepali porters in high mountain at the end of Nepal Tourism Year 2011.
Slovenia having only two million populations has got 17 Mt. Everest summiteers and has been rated among the best Mountaineers in the World. The first expedition of then Yugoslavia respectively Republic of Slovenia to the Mt. Everest was organized under the leadership of Mr. Tone Škarja from Slovenia through the most difficult south direction of the Everest, which hasn’t been conquered by any expedition of the World so far. Mr. Andrej Štremfelj, Jernej Zaplotnik, Mr. Stane Belak from Slovenia, Mr. Stipe Božič from Croatia and Mr. Ang Phu Sherpa from Nepal had conquered the peak of the Everest in the expedition 1979. It is worth to point out some significant victory of the Slovene Mountaineers such as: Mr. Davo Karnicar as a fist Mountaineer in the World conquered the peak of the Everest and skied down to the bottom of the Everest at a time without break, Mr. Viki Groselj have conquered 10 eight thousand high mountains of the world out of 14 and Mr. Andrej Štremfelj and his wife Marija Štremfelj are the first couple in the world, who have conquered the peak of the Everest. Besides them four other Mountaineers of Slovenia: Mr. Tadej Golob, Matej Flis, Gregor lačen and Mr Tomaž Jakofčič have been awarded the recognition of the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Government of Nepal by Mr. Aswin Kumar Shrestha, Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia in the accompany of Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of the Alpine Association of Slovenia, who presented the flowers to the summiteers and Mr. Zimba Zangbu Sherpa, President of the Nepal Mountain Association awarded them khata. Besides that Mr. Sherpa awarded the plackets of NMA to the Management and Leader of the Expedition as meritorious of organizing the expeditions to Himalaya in accompany of Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia Mr. Shrestha to present flowers to the receivers of the plackets: Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of Alpine Association of Slovenia and its Former President Mr. Franc Ekar, Mr. Tone Škarja, Head of the committee for foreign mountains, Mr. Bojan Pollak, Head of the Training for Mountain Guides, Mr. Aleš Kunaver, Founder of Mountain School in Manang, Mr. Zoran Jerin, Journalist and Mountaineer writer of many books about Nepal, Mrs. Dušiča Kunaver, Collector of data and publication of many books on Slovene expedition and Translator of Folk Tales of Nepal. .
During the speech of Mr. Shrestha and Mr. Sherpa, both thanked and expressed their gratitude to the Alpine Association of Slovenia for their kind cooperation with Nepal Mountaineering Association in organizing the training for Mountain Guides to the Nepalese for safe climbing to the Himalaya, for rescuing in the mountains, skill of First Add etc. at the School for Mountain Guides in Manang. The school was built with the financial support of then Yugoslavia and then Republic of Slovenia in the initiative of Mr. Aleš Kunaver in 1979. According to Mr. Zimba, there have been trained 1045 mountain guides in that school to date, among which he counts himself as one of the trainees. He further, appreciated the Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia Mr. Aswin K. Shrestha for the organization of such majestic event on the occasion of Nepal Tourism Year 2011. According to him the gravity of such program will be definitely observed in the promotion of Nepal’s mountain tourism year and in the following years.
Mr. Bojan Rotovnik, President of the Alpine Association of Slovenia thanked Mr. Shrestha and Mr. Sherpa for their kind words and expressed his satisfaction in developing good cooperation with the Nepal Mountaineering Association, especially in organizing jointly, the training for Mountain Guides in Manang. In the mean time he thanked the Consulate of Nepal in organizing the solemn event to award the certificates of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Nepal to successful summiteers of the Mt. Everest from Slovenia in approaching the end of the Nepal Tourism Year 2011. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the Nepal Mountaineering Association for providing a corner to the Alpine Association of Slovenia to introduce its success in Himalaya at the International Mountain Museum, Pokhara, Nepal.
In the cultural programme of that event cooperated Mr. Ravi Shrestha in Guitar, Ms Anica Prelovsek in fluit, Dr.Lasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona in violin and Mr. Vasja Stukelj in Tablas, who entertained all the participants of the event with real Nepalese and Slovene songs.
The solemn event had been participated by more than 150 participants: Foreign diplomats located in Slovenia, Consuls and Honorary Consuls, VIP delegates of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Slovenia and friends of Nepal from Slovenia.
After the end of the solemn event the guests were invited to enjoy the Slovene national sweet-potica, Slovene wines, Slovene beer, fruit juices and other drinks sponsored by Slovene companies and Wine producers.
Ljubljana, 20.12.2011
Mag. Aswin Kumar Shrestha
Honorary Consul of Nepal in Slovenia
Slovensko sporočilo za javnost
Foto: Zdenka Mihelič
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